Panel: 5G - An enabled future
InterAxS is pleased to invite you to attend our panel event on 5G, with a specific look into the C-band spectrum transfer process. This comes at an important moment in the debate over C-Band and 5G spectrum, as the FCC is set to hold their open monthly meeting on July 10th. We expect that discussion around C-Band conversion will be at the forefront of news coverage, and this important topic will continue to receive outsized attention.
The July 11th panel will be held at 12:00PM ET in Manhattan, and will feature FCC Commissioner Mike O’Reilly, IntelSat VP and C-Band Alliance Communiations Diane VanBeber, National Association of Broadcasters General Counsel Patrick McFadden and T-Mobile Counsel, Steve Sharkey.
As the world glimpses into a 5G enabled future, the US regulatory environment is at an inflection point and investors must be attuned to granular developments in Washington.
This panel will bring the involved parties together to identify what has worked for the US; where friction points have arisen; and, most importantly, to identify which issues still need to be resolved and exactly how that process will play out. Our roster of key speakers has been assembled to showcase a variety of perspectives and help provide interested parties with insight into the realities on the ground in Washington going forward. InterAxS is pleased to invite you to attend our panel event on 5G, with a specific look into the C-band spectrum transfer process.
Time & date: 11 July, 1200 - 14.00, Whitby Hotel, NYC
Moderator: Reuben Miller of InterAxS Global
Panel speakers:
Mike O'Rielly, Commissioner FCC
Dianne VanBeber, Investor Relations Intelsat / Communications C-Band Alliance
Patrick McFadden, General Counsel, National Association of Broadcasters
Steve Sharkey,
All InterAxS speakers confirm that they are not subject to any confidentiality, non-disclosure (NDA), employment, franchise agreement, or any other agreement, which would prevent them from speaking on the topic. Participation in this InterAxS public event will not violate their employer’s policies or confidentiality obligations and that as a condition of their engagement as a speaker, they agree not to disclose any non-public or confidential information.