Forever Chocolate sustainability webinar for research providers
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 5324 1749
Passcode: 564294
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Barry Callebaut is hosting its first Forever Chocolate sustainablity webinar dedicated to ESG rating agencies and SRI / ESG / Corporate Governance focused research providers. If you are an investor, please speak to us about their roadshow which is on a separate date.
Sustainability is at the heart of Barry Callebaut. Forever Chocolate, launched in 2015/16, aims to make sustainable chocolate the norm by 2025.
It is based on four ambitious targets that address the largest sustainability challenges in the chocolate supply chain:
· More than 500,000 cocoa farmers in their supply chain lifted out of poverty
· Eradicate child labour from their supply chain
· Become carbon and forest positive
·Have 100% sustainable ingredients in all of their products
Time: Wednesday 9 June 2021: 13.00 GMT / 14.00 CET
The presentation will highlight key aspects of the Forever Chocolate report and conclusions from their recent materiality survey and offers research providers more insight into how they manage their sustainability issues.
Nicko Debeham, Head of Sustainability
Claudia Pedretti, Head of Investor Relations
The company will present for c. 30 minutes and take questions from analysts for 30 minutes.
Invitees: The session will be of particular interest to SRI/ESG and Corporate Governance analysts and ratings agencies.